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Episode 9: Barbie of Cosplay by Barbie Wi


Barbie of Cosplay by Barbie Wi (formerly Asgard Barbie Cosplay) joins us from the windy city of Chicago to discuss the multitude of fandoms that she is into.

We start off with Labyrinth and how we both had entry points into early fandoms through online messaging boards such as AOL and Prodigy.

We hit her current number one fandom, Agents of Shield.  Why does she like it? Favorite characters? The stories that are going on.  Barbie walks us through the ABC show.

We go back to 2004 and discuss the Battlestar Galactica remake and how it still holds up 12 years later.

Barbie discusses the Dr. Who spinoff show, Torchwood, educating me about what it was.

We go on a length discussion about Black Widow from the Marvel Universe including talking about how she deserves her own movie and what it would look like, as well as the general failure of the marketing of female characters such as Black Widow and Rey (from Star Wars: The Force Awakens)

We switch gears to talk about some of the upcoming slate of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies including Thor: Ragnarok, Doctor Strange and Antman and the Wasp.

Finally, we discuss Barbie’s love of Cosplay.  How she got into it, how she does it and what she’s worked on, including a 30+ pound wedding dress from the movie Enchanted, along with several other costumes such as Xena.

You can find her at:






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